

4 July 2024

Mon 6th Feb

8:00 am

EXPO open

Mon 6th Feb

8:45 am

Coffee session
AgRack - Innovations in agrivoltaics, raising solar for crops and cattle

  • Tyler Lloyd, Mid West Agrivoltaic Systems (US, Missouri) via Zoom

Andrea Myers, Mid West Agrivoltaic Systems (US, Missouri) via Zoom

Mon 6th Feb

9:00 am

Introduction and housekeeping

Karin Stark, Conference Founder / Director Farm Renewables Consulting

Mon 6th Feb

9:10 am


David Shankey, Deputy Director-General, Department of Energy and Climate Queensland

Mon 6th Feb

9:25 am


Cathy McGowan, Chair Agrifutures, former Independent, sixth generation farmer

Mon 6th Feb


Morning tea

Mon 6th Feb

10.30 am

Farmer Showcase

Farm electrification, a New Zealand case study

Mike Casey

Biogas meeting the energy demands at a sustainable piggery

Laurie Brosnan

Peer to peer trading and solar at a NSW dairy

Cressida Cains


  • Chair: David Hoffman, NSW Investment

Mon 6th Feb


The national energy transition -

coexistence, decommissioning

  • Elton Miller, Executive Director, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
  • Caitlin McConnel, farmer and Senior Associate, Clayton Utz
  • Katie-Anne Mulder, Queensland Renewable Energy Council (QREC)
  • Chair: Jo Sheppard, CEO, Queensland Farmers’ Federation (QFF)

Mon 6th Feb

12.15 pm

Financing renewables

Adele Maguire, Green Energy Group

  • Chair: Jane Knight, AgriFutures


12.25 pm

12.30 pm


Mon 6th Feb

1.20 – 2.20 pm

Breakout sessions

1. The energy transition, agriculture and regional development



  • Chair: Nathan Hart, Clean Energy Council

2. Farm energy audits and outcomes


  • Different types of audits explained

John O’Connor, NSW Department of Primary Industries

Andrew Chamberlin, Queensland Farmers Federation

Liza Balmain, cotton and mixed grain farmer

Greg O’Sullivan, Australis Plants

Sandhya Tewari, Lonsdale Tomatoes

  • Chair: Rhiannon Heath, NSW Farmers

3. Bioenergy and Hydrogen – opportunities for agriculture 

Bernadette McCabe, Centre for Agricultural Engineering (CAE), University of Southern Queensland

Mark Wallace, EnergyLink Services

Louise Brown, HydGene Renewables

Travis McNeill, Evo Energy Technologies

  • Q&A
  • Chair: April Cavanagh, CEO Toowoomba and Surat Basin Enterprise (TSBE)

Mon 6th Feb

2.30 pm

Future vehicles and fuels presentation and panel

Ben Mitchell, New Holland

Johnny Wapstra, Seed 2 Diesel

Cassian Drew, Acclimate Partners on behalf of AgriFutures Australia


  • Chair: John O’Connor, NSW DPI

Mon 6th Feb



Mon 6th Feb

3:40 pm

How solar Power Purchase Agreements can generate off-farm income
plus a solar pumping case study at a flower farm

Huon Hoogesteger, Smart Commercial Solar

Mon 6th Feb

3.50 pm

Replacing LPG at a chicken farm

Brad Donovan, Ground Source Systems 

Mon 6th Feb

4.00 pm

Mon 6th Feb

4.10 pm

Valuing the distribution network & storage and the grid

Glenn Springall, Energy Queensland 

Ian Brimblecombe, cotton grower

Ian Askell, NSW Essential Energy 


  • Chair: Natalie Collard, Farmers for Climate Action

Mon 6th Feb

4:30 pm

Creating strategies for effective regional engagement with the energy transition

Professor John Cole, University of Southern Queensland

  • Chair: Charlie Prell, FCA

Mon 6th Feb

4:50 pm

Sponsor Wrap up

Tom Fisher, DAVEY

Mon 6th Feb

5:00 pm

Close and evaluation

Mon 6th Feb

5.00 pm – 7.00 pm

Networking with exhibitors. Canapes plus wine from Squires.

Mon 6th Feb

5 July 2024

Mon 6th Feb

8.00am - 1.00pm

MacIntyre Wind Farm Tour
(Tickets sold out)

Visit MacIntyre Wind Farm, 1.5 hours from Toowoomba.

Morning tea and transport provided. Bus will depart from Empire Theatre.

In partnership with Acciona Energia.

Mon 6th Feb

Mon 6th Feb

9.30am - 11.00am

Cressbrook Station Solar Tour

Visit Cressbrook Station near Toogoolawah, just over an hour from Toowoomba to see dual-axis tracking solar suitable for cattle grazing. 

Morning tea provided.

This tour requires you provide your own transport to the site. Directions and tour agenda will be emailed directly to those registered to attend.

In partnership with Clayton Utz.