
- 5 July 2024
Cows under panels and energetic pig farts: Farmers want to get more out of renewables
As the Renewables in Agriculture conference wound up in Toowoomba on Thursday evening, there were two major themes that emerged.

- 29 June 2024
Farmers dig in on renewables as transition accelerates
Renewables in agriculture are gaining momentum across the nation as Australia pushes to reach its net-zero emissions target by 2050.

- 21 June 2024
National Renewables in Agriculture Conference Makes Queensland Debut
The National Renewables in Agriculture Conference, an annual event, makes its Queensland debut on July 4, presenting innovative solutions at the intersection of agriculture and renewable energy.

- 13 June 2024
Farmers who graze sheep under solar panels say it improves productivity.
Allowing livestock to graze under renewable developments gives farmers a separate income stream, but solar developers have been slow to catch on.

- 15 June 2023
Solar saves Taralgon farmer
A saving of $400,000 is a substantial reduction in cost for any business, but when it was achieved through embracing various energy efficiency measures, it pays to take notice.

- 13 June 2023
Garnaut’s carbon call for farms
“Not dealing with it is the peril and dealing with it is opportunity,” he said.

- 6 June 2023
National Renewables in Ag conference to be at Dubbo
A national conference at Dubbo is aiming to help farmers cut costs, emissions and boost their resilience on-farm.

- 1 April 2023
The fourth chapter of the National Renewables in Agriculture Conference and Expo
Conference founder Karin Stark said this chapter will further explore the growing innovation opportunities in renewables for reducing energy costs on farms.

- 8 March 2023
Twenty Australian women influencing the agricultural industry
Australian agriculture has a contingent of female leaders and influencers that would be the equal of any in the world.

- 18 August 2022
Farmers want more govt renewables support
Farmers wanting to make the switch to renewables as an energy source are facing too many hurdles, a conference has been told.