

David Shankey

Deputy Director-General, Department of Energy and Climate Queensland

David Shankey was appointed Deputy Director-General of the Energy Division in the Department of Energy and Public Works in August 2021.

David led the division as it delivered Queensland’s 15-year Energy and Jobs Plan, the most significant and challenging energy reform agenda in the State’s history.

The plan provides the strategy for Queensland to move from coal fired to renewable generation within ten years while reducing carbon emissions from the electricity sector by 90% by 2035. It also sets out the initiatives needed to manage the social impacts of the changes associated with the transition.

Queensland is the first State to articulate an infrastructure pathway out of coal and positions the State as a global leader in this field. David led the negotiations with Queensland energy trade unions and the development of the Queensland Energy Workers Charter.

David has led the implementation of the plan including the setting up of Queensland Hydro and a $19 billion investment program through Government owned corporations.

Prior to his current role, David was Executive Director in the Energy Division for four years in multiple roles including Strategic Policy and Renewables. Prior to working for the Queensland Government, David worked in both the resources sector and in the media.

The history of working on specialised energy topics and media means he can distil complex thinking around policy reform into understandable and deliverable steps. A history of working in Queensland means he can forge relationships across industry sectors and bring participants together to achieve outcomes by collaborating on strategies to achieve common goals.